
Latest news not updating on company

Tobias 6 years ago updated by OSV Support 6 years ago 2

This screenshot was taken today 08.21.2019. The latest news has been the same for months. Clearly, it's more than two days since May 10th. And there has been another conference call since May. What's going on? I get the same result in a different browser (Edge) and in incognito mode (Chrome).

Image 210

Not a bug

Absolute P/E Valuation MSFT vs AMZN

CCX01 6 years ago updated by OSV Support 6 years ago 1

The Business Risk of MSFT uses a total score of 16 compared to 20 for AMZN and the majority of tickers. Is this a bug?

Under review

Increase number of ticker report downloads

OSV Support 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

Request from Chetan:

Would you consider increasing the limit to 300 (requests) over 4 days? My volume typically goes up during weekends.

Under review

Stock split alert or something similar

OSV Support 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

Going forward, are you aware of any technological solution that could help with this issue? For example, does OSV have any functionality that would alert us when a share split has occurred among companies in our portfolio?

Sent in by Jason in Freshdesk


Is there a way to see stock based compensation as % of total assets

OSV Support 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

Any graph showing stock compensation - either in pure USD or relative to income/balancesheet/cashflow

Gives a user idea about - over time - how stock compensation is given to employees as Company grows over a period of time - especially useful for internet/tech companies.

Sent in by Reddy

Under review

Include EVA calculations.

David Solyomi 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Indicators like EVA margin and EVA momentum are superior to all that are included in the current OSV.

This could be added if you have the capacity. Any chance?

(Idea came from the book Best-practice EVA)

Under review

Symbol entry not working

tomanon35 6 years ago updated by OSV Support 6 years ago 1

For example, on the summary page I can not add a symbol. Nothing happens when I type one. The only way I can search for a security I'm interested in is to use the edit ket on the home page. Nothing else works. What am I doing wrong?

Under review

Are there any updates to making google sheet version for the excel sheets?

Brian Yu 6 years ago updated by OSV Support 6 years ago 1

Hi I would  just like to know if you guys have any updates in regards to making a Google sheet version. I am not very tech oriented but, are there ways to make the Excel sheets Work for Microsoft Excel on Mac? 


Is there a quantitive action score strategy OSV is updating or releasing soon?

Brian Yu 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 0

So I understand that you guys are working on revamping some things on OSV. I was wondering if buying and rebalancing the top 20 action score stocks is still a good idea or way to beat the market, or if you guys had a new updated version in mind. 

All the value strategies like OSV or the magic formula haven’t been so magical, with the elongated bull market and lofty valuation unfortunately.