Great features - its more than an MVP and i see the value here!!

RocketKing 3 years ago 0

Great features and great vision overall for value investors here - all the kinks on the UI aside I love the data

would request you let us know which browser this is best optimized for - see weird issues on Chrome that i have figured out but that would not be the case for less tech savvy users - Great information here - been using Magic formula + type approach since rebooting my investment approach and this is exactly the type of evaluation that i have been looking for - One missing this is momentum - you add that and you can help investors pick a range where their money will be active upwards without trying to time things!!


insider transaction

Vis 3 years ago 0

Insider transactions seem faulty. For example you are showing John Mallone as buying but he has sold DISCA in last 6 months


Keep your platform competitive.

jlgutierrez2064 3 years ago 0

It would be outstanding for your "Key Stat" tab to have 1, 3, 5, and 10-year CAGR averages. Having min and max and a median is not that uses full.


Link Portfolio to Broker

Gian 3 years ago 0

Link the portfolio to the broker via an API so the positions are automatically downloaded - Currently the portfolio functionality on OLD SCHOOL V is far too complicated. It has some interesting performance figures but is hindered by the way that positions require to be added. Link to the likes of TD Ameritrade and other popular brokers.


Review valuation of RMAX

Steve 4 years ago 0

Hi, when we did our own valuation of RMAX, we found it less attractive after accounting for the large minority interest.  Is it possible this was not included in your valuation when determining it looked very attractive?


keep column headers for periods (years or quarters) static at top of page.

Steve 4 years ago 0

Currently, I have to scroll up or down constantly to figure out what year I'm in.


display a stock's 52-week high and low for each year for at least 10 years

Steve 4 years ago 0

I need 52-week high and lows for each year on a historical basis for my valuation models; the last 10 years' data would be ideal.


Missing dividend with EXPD

Steve 4 years ago 0

You report no dividend yield for EXPD, but they do pay a dividend (may be semiannual).