Anyone else having trouble connecting to the website? May, 24, 2021

PDKS 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 1

Wondering what is going on.  Sorry to see it having trouble.


Yes I paid 588$ on my cc and I can't even get a screener that was suppose to be cancelled

Michael A Zummo 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 1

$588 I didn't want to pay this I cancelled as soon as I signed up when I seen the prices I need a refund I can't afford 588$ I thought I know I cancelled because the credit card you charged me on I just got it a week ago! Please I need a refund please!? 


Please check your CROIC data for $FTNT

imas1220 4 years ago 0

@https://app.oldschoolvalue.com/summary/?ticker=ftnt please. Your data for CROIC is negative, which seems to be wrong.


Dupont Analysis and Accrual Analysis

dan corbett1000+finance 4 years ago 0

It would be great if you could create a video tutorial or help section on how to interpret and use the Dupont Analysis and Accrual Analysis views.  


Missing Stocks

dan corbett1000+finance 4 years ago 0

I keep typing in stocks and getting a message that they are not available. The stocks are available and one of them you recommend.   I just got an email about BKTI moving to your A list, but then when I type in the ticker to research it, I get the message"   Stock BKTI does not exist or its data is not available.    This is very frustrating.   This is occuring with several stock tickers that are in your database which are available on the "comparison" tab, but not from the main screen.  


manage the risk of our portfolios

Carlos Eduardo 4 years ago 0

I think it would be very interesting if it were possible to set a target percentage so that it is possible to manage the risk of our portfolios.

Ex: BIG META 30%

Thank you



jlgutierrez2064 4 years ago 0

I wanted to ask you. When I went to the valuation section and changed the margin of safety from 25% to 50% it did not change the fair value of the stock. The fair value stayed the same. What am I missing. Thanks, Jorge


How do you calculate median fair value?

ANON 4 years ago 0

I'm wondering how you calculate median fair value? For some results it's the same as DCF, for some it's the same as Absolute PE, for others it's the same as EBIT. Thanks!


if growth is 10% and discount is 11% how do I calculate fair p/e -- tmuscat27@yahoo.com

tmuscat27 4 years ago 0

would you send me the answer to my email please.
