Not a bug

Incorrect Data for 'Last 12 Months Return vs S&P500' Criteria

Jeff Partlow 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 6

For example, today's value for this criteria shows:

AMZN -31.08%

GOOGL -12.04%

My data shows correct values should be:

SPY +1.47% for last 12 months

AMZN +8.85% for last 12 months

GOOGL +5.7% for last 12 months

This is a widespread error -- i.e. not limited to just AMZN and GOOGL.

Not a bug

Using chrome after logging in and clicking any items on left does nothing recently.

Marc 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Hi.  You deleted my support ticket/comment so just going to add this to maybe help.  Hard refresh doesn't work.  After I login in on chrome I get this URL


Hard refresh does nothing.  Back to same url. same behavior.  All elements on page are not clickable.

However my solution was to delete part of the URL and it works fine.

New working URL: https://app.oldschoolvalue.com/summary

Under review

Adjust calculation for unrealized capital gains

OSV Support 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

Are you - or will you - adjust the owner earnings calculation for "unrealized capital gains", e.g. Berkshire has had very large "loss" due to the wild swings in Q4 but the business is doing just fine and they have certainly not produced a loss at all - owner earnings should reflect this somehow? - Torben Falck

Under review

Editing formula in the app

OSV Support 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

Will it sometime soon be feasible to create our own formula on the basis of the data you do provide? I know I can move the data to Excel spreadsheet and perform this function, but it would be more expedient to be able to do this in real-time. 

- Stephen Schneider

Under review

Implement portfolio support for stocks no longer publicly traded

Tobias 6 years ago updated by Money man 6 years ago 4 1 duplicate

In order for the portfolio to give an accurate picture of the historic gains and losses, there must be a way to handle stocks that were taken private or went bankrupt. RPX is one such company. The stock is no longer in my portfolio history. I suppose I will get the same problem with Red Hat when IBM finally buys them.

Under review

Alert when valuation hits your mark

Torben Falck 6 years ago updated by OSV Support 6 years ago 6

I know the alert feature has been up before (for a long time...).

It would bring a lot of value and I would like to suggest a somewhateasy way to implement it:

In the screeners, add a custom Margin of Safety tab where the user can set his Margin of Safety on any of the Valuation metrics from the Valuation tab (Step 3) for the stocks she is interested in. 

Remember a "reset all" button...

If the fair value crosses of either of the MOS thresholds in either direction, the user will get notified via email. 

How many users are there on OSV by the way (to pay for features)?

Under review

Glitch with the ROIC

Brian Yu 6 years ago updated by OSV Support 6 years ago 1

Okay so for some of the stocks, the ROIC doesn't seem to make sense. I have attached pictures below. Here it isScreen Shot 2019-01-11 at 5.49.20 PM.png

The ROIC will show something like 8% but EBIT would be like 20m and Invested capital would be like 100m (which is supposed to give a 20% ROIC). Correct me if I have something confused. This is for PHM (Pultlegroup). Thanks Jae.