Under review

Custom widgets and custom pages to let the user build their own dashboards

Torben Falck 6 years ago updated by OSV Support 6 years ago 1

Could be very usable to be able to build widget with bits and pieces of information and pull these onto a custom dashboard to allow for a quick overview of the numbers I am most interested in. I find my self visiting the exact same sections of OSV over and over again and it is becoming a pain in the neck.

Under review

Financials Missing For AMAZON and TTM

Brian Yu 6 years ago updated by OSV Support 6 years ago 2

Hi, two things I wanted to point out. 

1) OSV isn't listing Amazons R&D expense and that will eschew the valuations like EBIT, understandably.

2) Some of the stocks show a 0 for TTM. 

Under review

Can you make an option for the headings in Full Screen Mode to be abbreviated?

Brian Yu 6 years ago updated by OSV Support 6 years ago 1

The columns are too far spaced out and I cant view all my criteria on the screen at the same time in full screen window mode. 


Allow us to see the percentages in price changes when we drag on the time period.

Brian Yu 6 years ago updated by OSV Support 6 years ago 1
Sorry if I am being unclear. But to give an example, google allows you to see the percentage gain or loss depending on where you drag the on the screen.

many stocks not in database or doesnt show up..

bianchi chris 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Ticker ( V, VRSN, TDC, BAM, EVI, MKL, SNC, KMG, UA, CLDR, SNC, and many more i know not every stock is in your database but they would be some interesting ones and some can be evaluated from OSV like Visa probably. Is there any reason for it? can you test it please.


eps growth in % term

ludovic sky 6 years ago 0


For a growth investor we want to see EPS growth % for current year and next year so then we can compare this growth with the industry growth. Knowing this helps to determine if i want to spend my time to investigate further for this company. 



EPS growth F1 = 20%

EPS growth F2 = 30%

Calculation is simple, using consensus estimates. 



Something like Invest tools Big Chart for industries

smtm190 6 years ago 0

It think it would be very productive to have something like invest tools "Big Chart"

. To will help identify at a glance to industries to screen for possible value. Thxs


I'm not sure the ticker for Dover Downs Entertainment is correct

briangroat 6 years ago updated by OSV Support 6 years ago 1
Under review

Show most recently reported quarter as 201809 rather than as 201.81k for example.

PRJahelka 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

The stock database or rating_database page shows this formatting bug, but the csv export is correct.