
Screener for top action scores at or below buy price

Mark 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

Can you add a screening criteria option that will return only selected stocks where current price is at or below the buy price? Screening for the top action scores where current price is at or below the buy price would be helpful. Thanks!


Will the screener have the ability to screen by indusry and or sector based on valuation

Triphov23 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

It would be nice if we could type the ticker (if known) in the search input box and simply press enter instead of having to select from the suggested list.

Brian 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 2

when entering a ticker symbol in the input class="top-search tt-input", it would be nice if we could simply press enter to either search the entry or at least dynamically grab the first suggestion in div class="tt-suggestion tt-selectable" without using the arrow keys or the mouse to navigate the suggestions


Add EPS projection function to Graham valuation

Jonathan 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

Miss having the ability to see, compare and select the various EPS projection methods (eg. forecast, linear regression, normalized) in the app. Be great to either be able to see the various EPS projections and/or switch the projection methods in the Graham valuation calculation.

Not a bug

Indicator problem - MTCH

Pedro 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 2

Please let me know why the value indicator says "warning" for MTCH when the stock price is below the intrinsic value and Buy Price lines.

Thank you,



Not a bug

incorrect Information on EHTH

Pedro 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

Please review indicators.

Not a bug

Incorrect information on PGNT.

Pedro 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

The indicators are incorrect. Example: value stock = Great when the stock price is well above the intrinsic value level.


Place alert notice for tickers missing reported quarterly data

Dan 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

Action, Value and Growth ratings + some Key Stats might be dated


S&P Capital IQ Quality Ranking

David Solyomi 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

Do you have the S&P Capital IQ Quality Ranking of stocks? If yes, that would be a great filter in the screener.

An S&P “Earnings and Dividend Quality Rank” is a letter grade assigned to a company based on a variety of factors, chief among them is the consistency of earnings and dividend growth over the prior 10 years.


Sorting of Action Score Letters A and B

Steve Till 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

I would like to sort by Action Score letters. I would like to see all As and Bs.