
In the web app, please consider adding functionality for downloading tables as csv for excel, etc...

Brian 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 7 years ago 6

It would be nice to be able to download web tables displayed for local manipulation in spreadsheet


create a barebones spreadsheet template with just data and no valuation models

OSV Support 9 years ago updated 7 years ago 4

idea is to create an empty slate for people who want to create and keep their own valuation models.

This will eliminate your need to update formulas when I make changes to the spreadsheet.


Show more than the top 12 Action Score Stocks

OSV Support 9 years ago updated 7 years ago 4

How can we find the top 20+ companies by Action Score?

The Home page only shows the top 10 or 12. In the webinar, you talked about buying the top 20 and rebalancing at the end of the year.

Also, if a company has a very high stock price in relation to it's intrinsic value, how can it score so high on the Value Score? You can look at Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. as an example.


HELP NEEDED! Is OSV still in business?

Jeff Partlow 4 years ago 0

Seems there hasn't been any responses from OSV Support in about 7 months now. 

Does anyone have any idea or can help me find out what is going on with OSV management and administration?

Under review

Shareholder Yield and Price to Product Research (P/PR)

Brian Yu 7 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

Hi Jae!

 I think I sent an E-mail a while back on this, but could you guys perhaps add a Shareholder yield (Dividend + Debt Pay Down + Share buyback)? It's a better way yield than dividends in many ways and it shows how the company is adding value to the shareholder. 

The second metric I would really like to see is the Price to Product Research Ratio. It would just show the R &D relative to the current price. (An amazing metric to combine with the Price to Sale ratio)!

Thanks for your time Jae! :) 


to add Europe stock symbols

GNG 4 years ago 0
Under review

screen based on OSV Score trend

EquitableThinking 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

Can the screener have the ability to filter the stocks using the OSV's score's trend (Action, Quality, Value and Growth)?

For example XOM (Exxon Mobil) right now has Action score 69 and Quality score 71.5, Value score 71.14 and Growth score 65. However if you look at the past few years, the scores have consistently been increasing. The prospect of business also looks really compelling, and people could use score trend to screen such stocks. 

If the screener can have the ability to filter based on all 4 score's individual trend, that would be really great!

Thanks a million for providing the community such a fantastic valuable service and tool!!


Track OSV Action Score Portfolio

Jeff Partlow 8 years ago updated by Jeff Partlow 6 years ago 4

Suggestion: Starting at beginning of 2018 in the 'Portfolio' tab, show a listing of the 20 stock 2018 OSV Action Score Portfolio and continuously track its performance against a stock market benchmark (such as the Russell 3000 stocks). 


Magic Formula ROIC Joel Greenblatt

rodumpierrez 8 years ago updated by shindig 5 years ago 2

i would love to see Joel Greenblatt's version of ROIC as you already provide the other half of it with Magic Yield. Return on tangible capital is a very intuitive and useful metric to have and tough to argue with his track record!! :)


In Compare Competitors, you should have a pull-down list to pick stocks from the same industry as well as being able to input stock symbols manually.

Curt Lindenbaum 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 3

If you can select stocks for comparison from a list of the industry, so know you will be comparing stocks in similar industries and also provides an easy reference list for comparison so users do not have to find the comparison companies using other means or in another program.