Add to favorites button (a star icon maybe) on upper right

Dimitris Faitas 4 years ago 0

whenever i found a new stock i need to easily add it to my favorites


add links to trusted educational resources

randall elenbaas 4 years ago 0

In the video training section there are some helpful videos.  But the overall website obviously utilizes a wealth of financial concepts and it would be helpful to have quick links to recommended resources. 


hide a stock

kevinp 4 years ago 0

I would like to be able to hide a particular stock. I keep seeing The Meet Group and they are being acquired so I would like to hide.


floating dates above financial data

kevinp 5 years ago 0

When looking at the financials it would be nice to have a floating row showing the various dates for each of the quarters. 

The problem is now when scrolling down the dates for the quarters cannot be seen. Having a floating row with the dates would end this issue.

Not a bug

Bug in owner earings FCF for Boots (WBA)?

Tobias 5 years ago updated by OSV Support 5 years ago 1

It looks strange that the fair value should be negative with 2.5B in owner earnings FCF and a positive growth rate? Am I missing something?

Image 243

Under review

ability to add P/S, P/E, EV/Ebit line to summary chart

synchro360 5 years ago updated by OSV Support 5 years ago 1

chart visual for summary

Not a bug

Alphabet - High Graham Valuation

byfroneman 5 years ago updated by OSV Support 5 years ago 1

OSV's Graham Valuation for Alphabet is $3619.26

When I calculate it (with adjusted OSV graham formula) I get $957.47

All data drawn from OSV

V = EPS(7+1g)4.4 / Y

= 49.55[7+1(20.23%)4.4] / 1.64

= $957.47

All help on this one please guys?