
Financial metrics specific to reits such as ffo, affo, cap rate and nav.

gmjerome69 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

Addtional Tabs

Calvin 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

Hungry for more summary tabs.

15 tabs will be just great.


Top Stocks

Daniel 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

Hi Jae,

In addition to the top value, top action etc stocks...would it be of value to have a top 10 with a >25% margin of safety? (Maybe this is something you already have in the works as part of the screener output)

Under review

the product is often not working

harvey 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

Have the years/quarters data floating to keep visible on financials page.

Easton 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 5

Have the years/quarters information float as you scroll through the financial statements so they're always visible.


Employees, add employees to competitor

kocurekc 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

Employees, add employees to competitor, I think this is already in the backend data you are pulling from the spreadsheet, then add a couple of metrics, Rev/emp or Net-Income/emp, nice comparison on effeciency



pmedina59 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

Hi Jae:

I'm sure you are getting tons of suggestions and ideas on how to FURTHER improve your app. Make no mistake: your app is GREAT.
But, yes, I'd like to offer a suggestion: don't you think it would be valuable to add "Book Value" to your company valuations? You currently have EBIT, DCF and Graham. Adding book value would give an important element of comparison. Take a look at Apple, for example: your median fair value is $144 but the book value is way below at $24. Conversely, take a look at Bank of America: your fair value using EBIT, DCF and Graham is $12. But Book Value is $25!!
I know I can get to BV in your app by looking at the P/BV multiple. But it would be so much better if your fair value would take into account the BV, which is the "truth" in many ways.

For your consideration.

Pedro A. Medina

It would be great if we could edit/delete stocks from the sidebar on the right.

Daniel 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 4

It gets full pretty quick and it then starts to lose its value as the stocks you're not interested in start to outnumber the one's you are


I suggest you allow us to print the entire page of each company's information.

nategebel 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 2

When printing out each company's information page, the entire page doesn't print thereby making it impossible to save the page's information.