
Historical Valuation Ratios

stephenjdschneider 7 years ago updated by OSV Support 6 years ago 2

It would be an invaluable service to be able to see historical or even average valuation ratios (e.g. 5 year average) for Price to Graham Value and other metrics that are already provided on the site.


Metals GLD, SLV in Portfolio

smtm190 7 years ago updated by OSV Support 6 years ago 1

It would be great to be able to add metals such as GLD, SLV, etc... to the Portfolio section. People might vary in the Asset allocation, so it would be nice to track my portfolio in its entirety in OSV


Just added a bunch of suggestions/ideas but Old School Value Is still the best

Brian Yu 7 years ago updated by OSV Support 7 years ago 1

Still the best stock researching tool I've found over everything else. yeah its got lots of things I want to see in the future, but still, probs to how comprehensive and accurate the info is. 

Under review

Show also top 10 Unfiltered universes or let us have the option of clicking on filter/unfiltered etc.

Brian Yu 7 years ago updated by OSV Support 6 years ago 4

I really like the OTC stocks cause they are actually great buys a lot of times. Just very illiquid. But im after a high CAGR and the unfiltered universe does just that very nicely. 

Under review

Filter out closed positions from Portfolio

Tobias 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 9

The second tab in the Portfolio contains closed positions as well as current positions. It would be helpful to somehow easily view only current positions. Since I have more than 10 holdings, I can't see them all at the summary page. 


Can you please add the ability to search for ex-dividend dates?

Jay 7 years ago updated by OSV Support 7 years ago 2

2018 OSV Active Value Portfolio

Jeff Partlow 7 years ago updated by OSV Support 7 years ago 3

Thank you for posting your '2018 OSV Active Value Portfolio'.  Will you be listing all 20 stocks and updating year-to-date performance daily?  Will this Portfolio Tracker be viewed in the 'Portfolio' area of OSV?  When do you think this will be available to view?  Thank you.


Need to exclude fix the valuation of financial companies, specifically insurers, to exclude investments from excess cash

Huw Edwards 7 years ago updated by OSV Support 7 years ago 5


I think you need to fix the valuation of financial companies, specifically insurers. You are currently counting long term investments as 'Excess Cash' in your DCF and multiples valuation; this is dramatically and dangerously overstating the companies value. 

e.g. IPCC. 

In this case you are subsequently rating this company an A across the board which is not the case from a value perspective.


Jae's response.

I do know what you mean but because the data is standardized, there is a limitation to valuations. It's something we have known about from the beginning. It's also one of the reasons why we do not market ourselves as an industry specific valuation tool or financial industry valuation service  because of the difference in financial statements and data. Too
much data is rolled up for bank and insurance stocks and unfortunately we are not able to split it up.

Same could also be said for oil and gas industry stocks where we are unable to value the reserves for the best and true cash flows.


Highlighting of line

OSV Support 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

It would highly beneficial if I could highlight a line , for example , Divi Paid Per Share and a window would pop up at the end showing me CAGR for those numbers. Just a thought to make your platform even better.

Under review

Setup Alerts

OSV Support 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

From Jason Fernando: Is there any way that I can set up OSV so that it alerts me (email or SMS) whenever a new companies lands on one of my screeners? It would also be useful for it to alert me when a company currently on the screener ceases to be on it.