
Enter Ticker Symbols in Search Input Box

Jeff Partlow 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 5

When in Step 1 functions (Stock Database and Screener) , allow multiple tickers (separated by commas) to be input manually with results for all tickers entered displayed in the same order they were entered and also in the existing Step 1 (Stock Database and Screener) formats (with their existing column headings) -- i.e. do not automatically switch to the Summary function.

Currently for all functions in Steps 2 through 4 in left sidebar, a ticker entry pulls up the data for the same function we are currently in. The same should be true for both Step 1 functions.


Provide notifications when new data becomes available for a company

Ray Lian 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 7 years ago 4

It would be great to get a notification when new data becomes available for a company that I care about. Currently I have to check each individual company periodically, a very tedious process.

Not a bug

Reconcile EPS Data Inconsistencies

Jeff Partlow 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 6

Using Hawaiian Holdings (HA) as an example:

Current Year Mean EPS Estimate $4.77

Next Year Mean EPS Estimate $4.88

Last Year EPS $5.19

Next Year EPS Estimate $4.77

Earnings Per Share $4.52

Average Estimate EPS, Next Year $4.99

Total Basic EPS TTM $5.07

Earnings Per Share TTM $4.52 (in Compare Competitors under Selected Financials)

Is Next Year Est. $4.88, $4.77, or $4.99?

Also, it is difficult to easily determine whether the Current Year is 2017 or 2016. In Dive into Data section -- in Key Stats category it is 2017 but in Financials category it is 2016. A suggestion to help clarify Current Year would be to include it as a display data point option available in both the Screener and Compare Competitors sections.


Looking good, need to play with it for a while!

Richard Gordon 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 7 years ago 3

The platform is looking really good! There is a lot of stuff there to assimilate so need to play with it for a while. But kudos on all the work you guys have done.


Please add exclude function for screener

Ra'uf Glasgow 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 7 years ago 2

I often use "exclude" or "do not include" in other screeners to eliminate companies that are in a specific industry where the screener may not work (i.e. financials) or to reduce downside risk (i.e. M score five factor model failure). It would be super useful to exclude some elements as well as include them.

The screener is looking great. Thanks.


Add other companies from other countries...

adelinme 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

I've subscribe to see what's the data you have on some of the Canadian companies I want to invest to and realize...you have little if any at all...To me, this is the only thing missing that would make the platform exponentially valuable.


Create Portfolio Table

rfbtech 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 7 years ago 2

Allow me to enter a portfolio and create a table with the ticker and the four scores


Appreciate the stock database page. Makes for a more efficient review of potential ideas. Thanks

newt007 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 1

I'm using a Mac ... but I'm unable to add a competitor column

David F 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1