Under review

Emulate adding a portfolio section like FAST graphs -"nice to have"

Kevin 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 1

Can you emulate ading a portfolio section like FAST graphs, as i would like to see/compare entry/avg price to valuation models.


Action Score

kirkbausch 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 1

Hi Jae-

On the download link for the up-to-date Action score or the Trifecta (12) on the app...are those the basket of stocks that were selected on Jan1, 2016? And, is this tracking their progress YTD? if so, great! However, i pulled the Action sheet on Jan 1 and mine is different than the list on the download link. My list includes: calm, fonr, ebf, uwn, jctcf, amot, pfin, kfrc, cbd, dal, gild, ha, cpla, hlf, HII, ccf, nlnk, nus, med?

Perhaps we started at different time frames. Please clarify?

thank you



I would be great if you would also create a list of Top 10 Stock Valuation Ratios for shorting stocks.

brad 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 1

Suggested Changes for the spreadsheet

alexbernal0 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 2

1. Please add a "market cap" filter for the market cap column

2. Please add a "Month over month" action score rate of change. (would be nice to see and sort by what stocks are moving up or down)

3. 6 month relative strength to SP500 column


Bankrupcty Prediction

Fletcher Cole 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 1

Could you add John Campbell's bankruptcy prediction model to the OSV Valuation Analyzer spreadsheet? You already have the Altman Z-score incorporated here, but the book, Quantitative Value, by Gray & Carlisle points out that there have been several improvements made to the Altman Z-score, and John Campbell's model is the best of the lot. Thanks for listening !


Add yield to Database

Chip 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 1

Hey I know you can't include every statistic in the Stock Database, but I suggest you include dividend yield for seekers of value with income.


I use ipad pro... and the question marks do not show when i press them ... please fix this

bomub 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 2

monthly fee too expensive until I see if it is worth it

lrbishop 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 1