
Stock Database

Zach 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 2

When using the Stock Database, I cant see the stocks in perfect order by Action score. They seem to be in Alphabetical order. I also can't see their Action Score, just A, B, C exc. I'd like to see the numerical number. This makes it difficult to do the top 20 quant idea you suggest.


using Owner Earnings

tgunerman 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 1

I want to screen for stocks with the biggest margin of safety using Owner Earnings. I can't find a way to do this using the screener


include a screener results page that displays the criteria that were screened

Mike Aguirre 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 7 years ago 3

I would like to be able to see the results of my screen (matching companies) along with the data items that I screened as the landing page when the screen is run. From there, I would tab through the various pre-defined pages (which ideally could be customized).

Not a bug

Ticker swhc now aobc

Kevin 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 3

smith & wesson changed from swhc to aobc 01jan17, in general when do tickers get updated? For instance i believe i saw a ticker gdl or gdc as the top growth score, yet they were bought jul16, no price action since, yet they were not weeded ou


Allow multiple score inputs to screener rather than just a single value.

Nate O'Brien 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 2

i.e. a quality score ranging from A - C, rather than just an A


Ticker MIK

tomas vyhlidko 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 1

Hi. MIK has been changed from A to F just during a night today. But I believe there is an issue in calculation since just H1 result is compared with older FY results. Or do I interpret it wrong? Thx Tom

Under review

no negative numbers

Zach 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 1

When sorting the Data (pe, p/b, roic, exc) in the screener lowest to highest, using negative numbers seems unhelpful. I'd rather only see positive numbers. Is this possible?


Bug in Cash Flow statement-TTM cash at end year

Harry Hong 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 7

the TTM cash at year end is currently being calculated as the sum of the last 4 quarter balances instead of the difference between cash flows over the last year-starting cash.


search ratios by industry

Ra'uf Glasgow 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 1

In my backtesting of using Ratio based value investing criteria (P/E, P/FCF) I had improved results if I could compare the ratios within in an industry or sector. I would love it if we could search value ratios within in industry or sector.



Export function enhancement

Dan 8 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 4

The stock database section export function would be much more valuable if users could customize the fields to be exported to include any field available in the database ie, beyond those now included. Also would like date of last quarter for each symbol to be displayed/exportable.