Not a bug

Bug regarding Median fair value

JCAT-ESP 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 8 years ago 1

I believe that Median fair value in valuation segment only takes into account Grahams formula whereas in summary it contains the real median figure. As a consequence of the above, margin of safety is also different in both tabs.



Cannot add stock to "compare competitors" using Safari on mac or ipad, does work with Firefox

Harry Hong 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 2

Will i be able to use MS Edge browser?

abodin 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

Add tickers from history and favs to Compare?

Tobias 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

Congratz on getting the Compare function up and running! Good stuff.

The first thing I tried was to hit the "Add ticker+" button and then click on a ticker from my history on the right hand side. I quickly found out that that did not work, but it would be nice if it worked that way.


PIO score UI improvement

OSV Support 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 0

On the Piotroski F Score, it would be nice if I clicked on each of the nine criterion to have the actual values appear below the F Score for each year. This would prevent me from having to go back and forth between the quality tab and the key stats tab.


Increase the capacity of the list on the right side of the summary screen

rhaufed 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

Multiple stock symbols at a time

dariuschiu 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 7 years ago 3

It would be good if i could copy and paste a list of say 20 symbols at a time (for example from an investment motif or technical screen) and have them all compared at the same time in a grid view, or even list view.

It's pretty tedious right now having to copy and paste in symbols one at a time, wait for them to load.


Under review


lopezgrp 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

I hope you could incorporate the Dashboard features you had before. Just in the Valuation, Key Statistics, Cash Flows, effectiveness, etc. These were a big help to me for a quick overview. I realize that new sometimes takes time to get use to but I'm finding I have to go many places to get this information. Thanks


Add Total Net Reproducible Cost

crm 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

Carry this over from the spreadsheet.


Add NCAV valuation

crm 9 years ago updated by OSV Support 9 years ago 1

Add NCAV (net) current asset value somewhere in the online application.