Looking at AMTY, the value score on the OSV ratings page shows an EV/EBIT of ~7.1. However on the 'valuations->EBIT' tab, the calcuations don't match up.

Growth Estimate Percent Errors
From OSV Database (5 companies used as an example) in chart below:
1. Correct errors (highlighted in yellow) in percents for all 'Growth Estimate' numbers
2. Suggest using only one number after percent decimal points instead of two

Add symbol LSYN Liberated syndication
Only public podcast company. Profitable, possibly undervalued. In growing market

LEE gross profit is 100% of revenue
On LEE the financials are showing Gross Profits are 100% of Revenues. That looks like a mistake.

"EPS Surprise" Errors (and numerous other EPS-related bugs)
Numerous errors in data related to 'EPS Surprise'. Example using Facebook (FB):
EPS-related data is critically important in evaluating companies. Please give highest priority to correcting numerous EPS-related bugs as described previously in topics "Incorrect Next Fiscal Year EPS Estimates" and "Reconcile EPS Data Inconsistencies".

Fix two issues on 'Compare Competitors/Basic' display
See sample chart below. Modify lines in yellow to:
1. 'Enterprise Value' same display format as 'Market Capitalization', and
2. Fix 'Dividend Yield' display

Incorrect Next Fiscal Year EPS Estimates
Chart below shows some data for 2017 OSV Portfolio. Please notice that Current Fiscal Year and Next Fiscal Year EPS Estimates are always identical.
In checking a few, the Next Year estimates are incorrect.

market cap inaccurate in action score download
For CYLU when I go to the company profile it shows the correct market cap of $5.1M. But when looking at the downloaded the most recent Action Score spreadsheet, the Market Cap is listed as $26.677M.

See Action Score on Your 5 Fav Stocks
In my 5 fav stock list I keep companies I am interested in, but haven't bought yet. It would be really nice if the Action score of those stocks were displayed when I logged in so I don't have to click on all 5 every time I log in.
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