Your comments

FYI to all.

Additional valuation models will be included later down the road map. Right now, we are focusing on getting the must have features.

Must have features we need to take OSV to the next level and even higher playing field than the competition include:

  • screener (v1 coming soon. Trust me, you will love the way it works. So smooth and intuitive and this is only the first version)
  • portfolio / watchlist feature
  • fundamental charts and visual analysis section

Once these are complete, we'll get back to getting the other valuation methods from the spreadsheet included and then expand to new valuation models like this dividend growth model.

These changes wont be for the spreadsheet, but it will be included in the updated version of the Stock Database section of the app. You'll be able to customize and look up the data you need. Just like the Compare Competitors feature.

I've thought of this, but it isn't as easy as it sounds.

Reason is that when we made the scores, it's so much easier to identify quality companies that we feel will do well based on our testing and verifications.

On the short side, many stocks with horrible characteristics manage to do well. This is due to speculation involved with shorting many smaller companies and penny stocks.

Currently doing some tests to see how well the strategy would work if you go long and short, but it's definitely much easier and safer for the long side.

Discount rate will change the valuation, but it shouldn't be as an alternative to MOS.

Discount rate is the % return you want from your investment, which means it will be different for everyone.

Some people won't mind 9%. Others will want 12%.

To see the explanation for growth, click on the ? button in the app. The exact formula isn't available right now.

I'm going to do something better that will cater to your needs and anyone elses :)

Stay tuned! Will let you know when it's ready.

Found the bug. Working on a fix.