Your comments

@ OP, is this related to portfolio support for stocks no longer publicly traded?

That's at least where I am missing this information. 

If the portfolio view is the name of the tab between the summary tab and the edit transaction tab, then yes.

What I am looking for is to be able to see all my active positions at a glance

I think I have 15 active positions.

I can't see them all on the summary tab, because it only shows 10 positions.

I can see them on the "edit transaction" tab, but not at a glance. I automatically reinvest my dividends, so that tab is cluttered up with 100+ rows of just small purchases of reinvested dividend. It's nice that I can filter out my 3 or 4 closed positions. That removes something like 50 lines or so. Still the page is extremely busy with all the buys from dividends.

That leaves the portfolio view tab that seems like my go-to place to see everything at a glance. But here I would like the option not to see the closed out positions. I don't need to look at them, because I can't do anything about them. Like I mentioned before, I would still like for the closed positions to be on OSV, because I still OSV to take the closed out positions into account for the performance calculations. 

Then I don't understand how this suggestion has been completed. I want my closed potions to be taken into account for my overall performance and returns, but I don't want to look at a long list of closed positions on a daily basis.

On the second tab, what does the "delete stock" button do? Does that just remove the checked stock form the view, or does it actually delete all the transactions  of that stock as well?

Both suggestions seems fine. UI is not my strong suit :)

However, I started thinking I might not quite understand what I am looking at. When people talk about Investor x has averaged y% per year for the last z years. How is that calculated? Is that the same as the CAGR list you have created? 

Under the Summary tab on the Portfolio page, at the bottom left, there are some bars indicating some of my holdings returns. The headings are Best Performing Stock on the far left and Worst Performing Stock to the right of it. Below there is another heading: Best and Worst Performing Stocks. It shows 10 stocks. Maybe I just don't understand what I am looking at. Is it the best 5 and the worst 5 stocks?

I've been sleeping on this idea and have some additional thoughts.

Stocks move up and down in action score on a daily basis because the price changes. 

When you first started with the action score, Jae, you had the idea to publish it once a week, I think? You then discovered that stocks did move up and down the list for obvious reasons - the price changed. So now we have the list ever day, which is nice :)

Perhaps it is not necessarily the highest climbers that we want. But it would be nice to be able to pick out new stocks entering the list. I remember you wrote about Wal-Mart. I think you wrote that you noticed that Wal-Mart became an A stock and you acted on it and bought some. I had the same experience (I also bought some). The reason I noticed it was because it was a well known name to me, and I knew I had not seen it on the A-grade list before. I am not sure that I would have been able to identify a less known company as a new stock on the list.

Another idea that might be easier to create would be new A- and B-grade stocks in the last week? I still have a preference for the climbers though.

Great! I am looking forward to that! The most important thing is that we are able to put more than one graph into the same chart.

Yes that was my idea. Mostly because you seem to already have most of the numbers that would be interesting there (sort of). Some other growth numbers would be nice as well. Like book value growth, and sales growth, but I won't be greedy :)

My general "idea" is that a graph sometimes can show more than numbers laid out in a table. So I would like to see some development in that direction. Some of the numbers that would be interesting to see as a graph are located under the "multiyear performance numbers from the DCF".

I would think that many of numbers would be interesting regardless of valuation method, so that might not be the best place for it, but it seems be where some of this is today, so that might be the easiest place to put it.