
Add Some Momentum Variables to the Screener

Jeff Partlow 7 years ago updated by Jeff Partlow 7 years ago 6

I greatly appreciate how the Quality, Value, and Growth related variables combine to determine the OSV Action Score.  I also appreciate the large number of variables available in the OSV Screener so us users can develop our own custom screens.  However, I have found no Price Performance (aka Price Momentum) variables now available in the OSV Screener.

Many highly regarded studies have concluded that Momentum is also an important consideration in stock picking.  Here are the ones available on my broker's (Schwab's) online Screener:

Price Performance:

Price Change

  • Year To Date
  • Last 5 Days
  • Last Month
  • Last 3 Months
  • Last 6 Months
  • Last 12 Month

Performance vs. S&P 500

  • Year To Date
  • Last Month
  • Last 3 Months
  • Last 6 Months
  • Last 12 Months

Performance vs. Industry

  • Year To Date
  • Last Month
  • Last 3 Months
  • Last 6 Months
  • Last 12 Months

Total Return

  • 1 Year
  • 3 Year
  • 5 Year
  • Percentage Below 52 Week High
  • Percentage Above 52 Week Low
  • Beta

I certainly don't expect you to include all these variables, but adding a few of them would be an important addition to the OSV Screener. 

Thank you for your consideration.      


Your thoughts on this suggestion?

Under review

Definitely a good idea. Some more pricing info will be helpful for those people to make decisions on price movements.


We'll be releasing this soon.

Data points added are the following:

  • Total Return Year to Date
  • Total Return over last 5 days
  • Total Return over last month
  • Total Return over last 3 months
  • Total Return over last 6 months
  • Total Return over last 12 months
  • Total Return over 1 Year
  • Total Return over 3 Year
  • Total Return over 5 Year

Return vs. S&P 500

  • Year To Date Return vs S&P500
  • Last Month Return vs S&P500
  • Last 3 Months Return vs S&P500
  • Last 6 Months Return vs S&P500
  • Last 12 Months Return vs S&P500

2 Weeks ago you changed status on this idea to "Completed". 

I have been checking this almost daily and it is still not available. 

1. When will it be available to use?

2. In the future, please do not say it is "Completed" until it is fully tested, implemented, and available to users.

Thank you.

For those of us that like to use some Price Momentum indicators in our Screeners, the Fourteen Price Peformance data points shown above by Jae are now available for use.


Note of clarification: For five Return vs. S&P500 data points, the values are the Percentage Points Difference in Returns.  For example, if Company XYZ Last 12 Months Return was +12.0% and the S&P500 Last 12 Months Return was +19.0%, then the Last 12 Months Return vs. S&P500 for Company XYZ would be -7.0% [+12.0% - (+19.0%)].