
Dividend Stock related numbers

James H 8 years ago updated by Jeff Partlow 8 years ago 2

I'd love to have (Free Cash Flow / Dividends Paid) in the key ratios section. Maybe dividends are pretty unpopular with the user base here, but this is an important ratio for those of us that look at dividend stocks. It's easy enough to calculate from the financials but it would be a nice time saver.


[EDIT] Please post your 2 must have calculations to analyze dividend stocks.

I changed the heading and edited your post to see what other suggestions there are.

To all,

What are 2 ratios you CANNOT live without when it comes to analyzing dividend stocks?

Jae, Thanks for soliciting feedback.

I need 4 dividend-related numbers for screening (3 of which are already available in OSV):

Annual Dividend Yield % -- already available in OSV

Payout Ratio (TTM) -- already available in OSV

Payout Ratio (5-Yr Avg) -- NOT available in OSV

5-Yr Dividend Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) -- already available in OSV